

发布者:history_05 发布时间:2018-06-15 03:46:00 阅读量:


A Running River of Thought
Donald Worster’s Book Donation Ceremony and the Symposium on Rivers of Empire
Sponsored by the Center for Ecological History
and the School of History, RUC
Venue: Library of the Qing Institute (B114, School of Sinology, RUC)
Time: 9:00-18:00, 15/06/2018
Conference Statement
Never a follower of the mainstream, since the beginning of his academic life, Donald Worster has been determined to be a freely running river in his own natural riverbed——an academic spirit refusing any fixed labels. In the last fifty years of his career, the current of his thought has lashed out against all sorts of myths:the myth of a romantic West, of a manifest empire, of technocracy, of instrumental reason, of the conquest of nature, and of a deeply rooted anthropocentrism in history.
From Nature’s Economy to Shrinking the Earth, his river of thought has tried to cut through intimidating academic mountain ranges and created many enchanting canyons. One after another, they urge us to shed our old obsession with the purely human scene and investigate the deeper interaction between the earth and human life. Among his many books, Rivers of Empire endeavors to connect the American quest for empire with other parts of the world and imperialism in general. Water, this basic natural element,writes different stories for different regions. And eventually, Don’s own river of thought breaks down all the political and disciplinary barriers and converges with the whole flow of history. He seeks a new history based on the whole of planet earth and all forms of life living on it.
“How many times do we lament the changes of the human world, while the unchanging mountains are still sitting on the cold water.” This seemingly eternal nature has indeed been changing. And its changes have shaped human history. When the river of nature is harnessed and the dream of freedom seems trapped with the river, at least for a while, we can be sure that that conquest will come to an end eventually. Meanwhile, we still have the freethinking scholar who roams over other places and other time periods and encourages us to study more deeply the history of our species in the vastness of time。
Conference Program
8:30-9:00 签到 (Registration)
9:00-9:30 赠书仪式 (Book donation ceremony)
致辞:金沙js9线路中心主页常务副书记 张建明
      金沙js9线路中心主页院长 黄兴涛
主持:金沙js9线路中心主页生态史研究中心主任 夏明方
翻译:金沙js9线路中心主页生态史研究中心副主任 侯深
Opening speeches by: HONG Dayong, vice president of RUC
                     HUANG Xingtao, dean of the School of History
                     Donald WORSTER, professor of history
Moderated by: XIA Mingfang, director of the CEH, RUC
Translated by: HOU Shen, deputy director of the CEH, RUC
9:30-9:40 合影 (photograph)
9:40-10:00 茶歇 (coffee break)
10:00-10:40 主旨发言 (Keynote Speech)
北京大学历史学系教授 王希
WANG Xi, professor of history, Peking University
10:40-11:10 《帝国之河:美国西部的水、旱与成长》新书发布 (New book launch of Rivers of Empire, Chinese edition)
致辞:译林出版社编辑 陈锐
      《帝国之河》作者 唐纳德·沃斯特
      《帝国之河》译者 侯深
Speakers: CHEN Rui, editor of Yilin Publisher
          Donald WORSTER, author of the book
          HOU Shen, translator of the book
11:00-11:45 他乡之水 (Waters of Other Countries)
发言人: Poul HOLM, 王利华、曹牧
Speakers: Poul HOLM, WANG Lihua, and CAO Mu
11:45-12:30 自然之问(一)(Questions for Nature, I)
Speakers: MEI Xueqin, SHU Jianjun, and JIA Jun
12:30-13:30 午餐 (Lunch)
13:30-14:20 自然之问(二)(Questions for Nature, II)
Speakers: GAO Guorong, WANG Hua, SONG Yunwen, and WANG Zanwei
14:20-15:00 身体之际 (Around human bodies and nature)
Speakers: FU Chengshuang, ZHAO Xiurong, and CAO Zhihong
15:00-15:20 茶歇 (Coffee break)
15:20-16:00 思想之流 (Flow of ideas)
Speakers: Huang Xingtao, JIANG Meng, and GAO Bo
16:00-16:40 跨界之思 (Thinking crossing borders)
Speakers: ZHU Hu, CAO Yin, and XIAO Lingbo
16:40-17:20 漫谈之乐 (Joy of free discussion)
Speakers: XU Haiyun, JIN Yongli, Hu Heng, GU Liwei, LIN Zhan, DU Xuanying, QIU Jingjia, WANG Wenjing, ZHANG Yibing, and all participants
17:20-17:50 总结发言:夏明方 (Concluding remarks: XIA Mingfang)
18:00-20:00 晚宴 (Dinner)
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